Product Development

Product Development
Product Development
Our Goal: To educate consumers on the usage and benefits of ZaidanRN skin care products, tailoring them to their particular skin needs.
- You may use our products with confidence knowing that they were developed under the watchful eye of our highly esteemed chemist - well respected in the cosmetics industry. For ZaidanRN, this expert used high-quality natural, synthetic, and active ingredients to synergistically produce beneficial results without animal testing.
- You are our partner in your skin's health. Please read our ingredient list to determine any known allergies. You may also apply a small amount of product on your inner forearm; leave it on for 24 hours. If you experience a rash, itching or any adverse reaction, please discontinue usage and consult your doctor if necessary.
- Combining other products with ZaidanRN may affect its efficacy and may lead to unwanted side effects.
Our Packaging:At ZaidanRN, we take pride in minimizing waste to keep our products affordable. Fancy boxes and wasteful packaging increase the cost of products by 25% - without adding value to the actual product. We hope you join us in reducing waste in our effort to deliver quality products at a reasonable cost. Zaidan RN products are:
- Hydroquinone Free
- Mercury Free
- Sodium lauryl sulfate free
- Benzoyl Peroxide Free
Zaidan RN have:
- Precise treatments to rapidly improve existing skin conditions
- High quality ingredients in the most effective formulations
- Targeted client solutions for men and women with every skin type
- Designed the right products, not more products
ZaidanRN prides itself on using formulas that include the most active and effective product ingredients available. All users of ZaidanRN products saw improved skin quality within two to four weeks of initial use.
If you decide to combine the ZaidanRN protocols with other products or treatments, please note this may nullify your anticipated favorable results.